CAC2022 will feature a renowned group of international speakers who will present the latest chemometrics research in a variety of application areas.
Human-interpretable Machine Learning with an Eye for Causalities: Making sense of modern measurement streams inside and outside chemistry Harald Martens has a MSc (1971) in industrial biochemistry and Dr.techn. (1985) in chemometrics, both from the Norwegian U. of Science and Technology NTNU, Trondheim Norway. He has worked in method development and practical applications of multivariate calibration, diffuse spectroscopy, video compression, process monitoring, remote sensing and other disciplines, in universities and companies in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia. Today he has retired from a professorate in Big Data Cybernetics at the Dept. of engineering cybernetics, NTNU and works part time from the spin-off company Idletechs AS (www.idletechs.com). He also works in a small R&D company NatMat AS, focusing on integrative method development for industrial and environmental data interpretation, and didactic tools to reduce math anxiety in society, combining chemometrics with other fields of data modelling and cognitive science. |
Lessons from large-scale metabolic phenotyping Roy Goodacre is Professor of Biological Chemistry at the University of Liverpool and codirector of the Centre for Metabolomics Research. His research interests are broadly within analytical biotechnology and systems and synthetic biology. He has helped establish mass spectrometry-based metabolomics for long-term studies and employed metabolomics for clinical and plant studies, as well as for understanding microbial systems. He has also developed a variety of different Raman spectroscopy approaches for bioanalysis with a particular focus on metabolite quantification and chemical image analysis. |
Industrial bioprocessing – an amusement park for chemometricians and analytical chemists Ingrid Måge is a senior chemometrician at Nofima, the Norwegian food research institute. Her research interests are interpretation and modelling of multivariate data, often through multi-block methods and multivariate ANOVA. Much of her research revolves around characterization and handling of raw material variation in the food industry, as well as better utilization of the large amounts of data collected throughout the food value chain. |
Bilinear model factor decomposition: a general mixture analysis tool Romà Tauler obtained his PhD in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Barcelona in 1984. He has been Associate Professor of the University of Barcelona and he is at present (since 2003) CSIC Research Professor at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Studies (IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona). He is the chief editor of Journal of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems and chief coeditor of the Comprehensive Chemometrics, Chemical and Biochemical Data Analysis (Elsevier) Major Reference Work: 1st and 2nd editions. His research interests are in Chemometrics, especially in the development of Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) methods, and in their application to Omic and Environmental Sciences, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry and Solution Chemistry |
On the ambiguity underlying the spectral recovery problem and its analysis by the area of feasible solutions Mathias Sawall is a numerical mathematician at the University of Rostock with a special interest in multivariate curve resolution and factor ambiguity analysis. He completed his habilitation in mathematics at the University of Rostock in 2019. He is the main author of the Matlab software package facpack for the numerical computation of the area of feasible solutions. |
Analytical Quality by Design using a computational approach for the inversion of a PLS model MC Ortiz is a professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Burgos (Spain) and head of the Chemometrics and Qualimetrics research group. Her research focuses on experimental design, development and application of multivariate and multiway methods, and Process Analytical Technology (PAT). All these methodologies have been applied to regulated scenarios. She is the author of more than 160 publications ((h-index 33)) and vice-president of the Spanish Chemometrics Society. |
Integration of handheld spectrometers and chemometrics for food authentication Hadi Parastar is Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Sharif University of Technology (Iran). He received his B.S. degree from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran), and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Sharif University of Technology. His research spans a range of areas in analytical chemistry, including development and application of chemometric techniques for analysis of hyphenated/multidimensional chromatographic and spectroscopic data obtained from the analysis of environmental pollutants and food products. |
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